6421 South Walker Avenue
"...As for me and my house,
we will serve Jehovah." (Joshua 24:15)
"Be very careful therefore for yourselves,
that you love Jehovah your God." (Joshua 23:11)
TOPIC: Joshua
Monday, June 3, through Friday, June 7
Daily worker's prayer and fellowship from 8:45-9:30 AM
Monday through Wednesday — 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Thursday — 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM (field trip to the Science Museum from 11:25 AM to 2:00 PM)
Friday — 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, followed by a cookout lunch, parents invited
The daily schedule is in the documents section below
Children who will be going into 1st grade through 6th grade in the Fall (must be 6 years old on or before Sep. 1, 2024).
The church in Oklahoma City meeting hall at 6421 S. Walker Ave.
A fun and encouraging week of activities
Bible verse memorization
Bible lessons
Field trip to the Science Museum
Certificates and prizes
COST: $60 per child, $40 per additional child in the same family.
There will be a required prayer and coordination meeting for all local (OKC metro) parents and workers on Wednesday, May 29, at 7:00-8:00 PM at the meeting hall of the church in Oklahoma City.
Parents are encouraged to attend as workers. Please register as a serving one below.
College age and young people (jr high and high school age) are also encouraged to attend as workers. Please register as a serving one below. A serving application will need to be signed by young people and their parents.
Babysitting will be provided this year for those who are serving as workers, during the time that they serve. Please contact Sapphire Szeto (405-388-5922) before the day of serving so that she knows how many to expect.
Those coming from out of town will need to work out their own hospitality.
Please bring signed consecration agreements for the young people.
Young person medical release form (only for those serving who are under 18)
Young person serving application (only for those serving who are under 18)
Memory verses — Have your children begin memorizing now!
Registration and Serving
Click here to register as a serving one for Truth School Jr (YP and adults) — registration deadline CLOSED on Wednesday, May 15
Click here to register your children for Truth School Jr — registration deadline CLOSED Lord's day, May 19
NOTE: All those serving at Truth School Jr must register (young people 7-12 grades, and adults). An automatic background check will be initiated for those 18 years of age and older; only those with an approved background check will be able to serve.
If you have any registration questions please call/text Meng Ge (605-592-6564); for any general questions call/text James Kennedy (405.314.7739) or Don Dewald (405.812.8834). Or you can email truthschool.jr@gmail.com.